I recently did an interview with a local reporter here in Bosnia. We went over my career, ups and downs, etc. But what question stood out to me was “Do you feel failure not making it to the NBA?” I answered immediately with “No, of course not.” The sadness behind that statement is, it took me a very long time to be able to answer that confidently. Let’s rewind a bit so you can understand my unorthodox path.
I never played basketball in high school. Any sport for that matter, I ran a little track in middle school it wasn’t competitive sports though. It was more of training or just considered a physical education class. All hoopers know and understand what high school basketball and AAU do for you, especially going to college. I did neither. I was just a regular student who enjoyed to play basketball at park recreational leagues and other things like that. Eventually I hit my growth spurt going from 5’11 my sophomore year to 6’6 my senior year, got a little better and began to take the game serious. I went to Junior college then transferred to a Division 1. Junior college is a different type of grind. People don’t know or understand the strength and grit you need to make it out of a junior college. It’s very testing and two of my toughest years to date. I moved on to D1 and began to understand what this game could do for me. Never contemplating the fact of playing overseas, all I knew was the NBA.
Fast forwarding now I am currently in my ninth year as a Professional basketball player. I’ve played in ten different countries, got to experience many different cultures, and all on someone else’s ticket. The biggest thing I take from overseas basketball is the different styles of basketball we get to play. All leagues play a little different, they all have their own twist. Which is why some league players come overseas and struggle. It’s not the same basketball we play at home. During my career I’ve played against players that were drafted to the League(NBA) and for some reason at the time they were sharing the same floor with me. By year six, I played against one particular player that was very similar to me. He came out of school about a year after me, but him going to a major D1 and me a mid major. This created two different paths for us. I was so locked in and determined that I got the best of him that year. It was this moment that finally brought me the confidence I needed to answer that question.
I’ve played against tons of players that you would consider better than some NBA players. This is the political side of the game. Some guys will get certain opportunities because of who they know or who their agent is. I’m not knocking anybody’s work ethic or drive, but the reality is this. Some people are just in the right situation at the right time, and I’m here for it more power to them. I’ve learned to embrace my journey and make the best out of my situation. No I was not a failure! I have failed many times but I use those failures to elevate my career to a higher level. Everyone has their own path, you just have to be confident in yours!
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