Current Date:February 13, 2025

In Process

My story is far from over. I wrote that I never wanted to feel this way but to be honest I feel this away again. It’s okay, while I’m in the space of growing I will NEVER forget who I am as a person…people,situations, things are always going to try to break you, you’ve never ran from anything or any challenges. Hell, you’ve been through so much to get where you’re at and I’ll be damned if im going to give up. Today if you’re reading this I want you to know that you matter, you are destined for greatness even if you can’t feel the end zone. The best entrepreneurs have a vision and it may take them a minute to get it but they get to it. Why? It’s because they didn’t give up. When things don’t seem attainable, that’s when you need to believe even more. Believe believe believe, believe in yourself, believe in God , believe in the process, believe in the journey. That’s when you know that you’re dream is real. The only loss you have is the one when you give up.

Life is going to test you, you don’t let life punk you…if God told you that you’re going to go through every emotion to get what you want would you take it? Or would you just be like “nah im good”? I’m learning so much about myself everyday but one thing I know about myself is that I’m a fighter. I always want to be known as a person who didn’t quit, no matter what he went through. Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in your journey.”

Sometimes knowing why you’re doing something is better than just doing something. Get a reward for your pain. That’s my motto as a person. Hoops resembles life, there’s some good seasons and seasons where things just don’t go your way but you must keep moving. Love the people around you because life truly is about people. God hasn’t made a mistake in my life and He won’t in yours. This isn’t an end of the story it’s always being rewritten and tweaked. Don’t forget that…we always have a chance to write our story.

Keep fighting,

Brynton Lemar


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