Wassup y’all its Ike Iroegbu (E-Re-boo) here! I’m a professional basketball player like my boy Skylar. I’m currently hooping in Israel at the moment for Galil Elion. This season has been a roller coaster, but we have a good chance to make the playoffs so I’m excited about that. My basketball journey has been wild to say the least. I’m from Sacramento, California and I attended Franklin high school in Elk Grove. I loved Franklin honestly. The school was only a 10 minute walk from my parents house and I was hooping with my brothers and all my close friends.
At the end of my sophomore I decided to transfer to Oak Hill Academy and that transition was a wild one to say the least. It was especially tough for me because I was a California kid going to a boarding school in Virginia where it snowed consistently in the winter time. I remember being home sick the first month but Oak Hill made me a better man and basketball player for sure. We won a national championship my Junior year and went 44-0.
After Oak Hill I attended Washington State for 4 years. WSU is a special place to attend. I learned a lot about myself during my time there and grew on the court as well as off. My first year playing professional basketball was in the G League for the Clippers G League team, the Auga Caliente Clippers and this is where I met my boy Skylar. This year was honestly the most fun I had playing basketball. I loved all my coaches from that season and they all meant a lot to me. My rookie year I didn’t shoot it well at all from the 3. I was somewhere around 20% I think for most of the year but ended the season at 27%.
I knew this was going to be an area that I had to get better in and I knew I would, but some coaches didn’t. Fast forward to my second season as a pro and I’m in Jena, Germany, playing in the top league out there. My coach was different than any coach I’ve ever had. He was really emotional and liked to yell which I didn’t understand. Like all coaches yell but this guy was different. He told me I could only shoot 1 three a game which didn’t make sense to me because I really improved from the year before. Things didn’t workout with Jena but fast forward to my time in Israel and I’m over here competing in the league’s 3 point contest among the league’s best 3 point shooters.
Even though I didn’t win the 3 point contest, being chosen to participate in this was a win for me because I know how much time and effort I put into my mechanics and jump shot. I remember back then I would just tell myself to “Just Keep Going” when I was working out and having some tough times with my J or my game in general, but saying JKG got me through and continues to get me through those tough times because why would you stop going hard. “If you’re going though hell just keep going, why would you stop in hell”.
Much Love,
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